Monday, May 15, 2006

Turn around, don't drown

Turn around, Don't Drown is a national slogan (used by the National Weather Service mostly) that they came up with in the 70's or 80's (I think) to try to use the repetition and rhyming part in everyone's brains (think "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit"--there's actually some scientific reason why these types of easy to repeat ryhming phrases are so easy to convince us if you want to get someone to believe you, just rhyme and repeat) to get them to stop driving across roads with water over them. It was thought up by a highschool student, I think. You don't hear this slogan as much in the states that don't have massive amounts of flooding (think Colorado). Down here though, we've got bumper stickers, magnets, cards, even poster contests. Don't worry, I'll get one for you. :) Extra bonus, there's even a SONG!

1 comment:

Troy said...

Okay, I know I'm like a month behind on your blog but I must add that this could be the lamest public service slogan since the infamous "Slip, Slop, Slap" which I hear is still being used to date by the pornographic printing industry on their yearly BBQ t-shirts...