Thursday, August 10, 2006

A nation of Wimps.

Here's a link to an article about how we're raising a nation of want your kid to do well in life? Stop helping him with everything--you gotta let them flounder. So Mom, Dad, Thanks. Also, apparently if you're controlling about what you toddler eats (as in when, how much, etc.) then they're more likely to be overweight as adults because they have a lack of control...or something like that.

Dad got his stolen car back. They found it about 90 miles from where my parents live. The car was covered in oil and had pot all over the it was in pretty good shape.

hmmm...I think that's all for right sad. Oh yeah, I'm eating at the Shady Grove for lunch tomorrow and Shawn and I finally ate at Stubb's. So that means i've eaten at 2 true barbeque it's just the iron works and the salt lick...and maybe Kreutz...AND we're going to go to the San Antonio Zoo this weekend...Maybe...If we feel like it...and it's not raining...or too hot...

1 comment:

Dani said...

Go the power of WHIMPS!!!