Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Cat's Best Friend

Stappy is I.V.'s bestest friend in the whole wide world. He loves to do all the same things as I.V. so it's no wonder that they're so close. Below is a photo series of a day in the life of Strappy*.

8am: Strappy starts out his day by sharing I.V.'s breakfast.
9am - Noon: Strappy enjoys watching what goes on outside. Sometimes he really wishes he could go out whenever he wanted. Also, he blends in with the rug (look for the red strap)

1pm: Watching the world go by can make a Cat Toy thirsty.
6pm: It's Strappy's bedtime. He normally sleeps next to I.V. on the people bed.

* I.V. carries Strappy** around the house with her. These are all the places I found him in the course of one day. Of course, trying to actually SEE her carry Strappy is a whole 'nother issue. As soon as she notices you in the same room, she'll normally drop Strappy, only to retrieve him at some other time when we're not paying attention.

**You may have noticed that Strappy has a bit o' the Duct Tape on him...That's because Strappy was originally part of a different cat toy and he was brutally riped off by an angry I.V. But then she started carrying around all the various little straps, so I duct taped them together into one toy. Plus, now we don't find a piece here, a piece there, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, that is darn cute! I should document the lives of the various stringys, who get regularly eviscerated by Dozer...